August 27, 2024

Coming soon in Doorzetters

Thomas Rau

In the coming weeks, more inspiring guests will tell their stories at Doorzetters. Thomas Rau, a visionary architect and entrepreneur, internationally recognized for his innovative approach to sustainability and the circular economy in the construction sector. As the founder of RAU Architects, Turntoo Madaster, he has pioneered the relationship between people, nature and the economy. The week after Jeroen Swolfs, a Dutch photographer and photojournalist who gained fame with his ambitious project "Streets of the World". For seven years he traveled to all 195 capitals of the world to capture people's daily lives and thus create a unifying image of humanity.

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Contact us

For responses to questions about the logical possibilities at Doorzetters, live performances and speaking engagements by Ruud, Richard or Marleen, please email Linda Duursma